About This Category
Nearly all of the organizations on this website are non-profit and need support money. If you are an American or in one of the other more materially-advantaged countries, this may be one of you most useful ways of helping. At the same time, you want to know if the money you send will be used as wisely as possible. Unless it is a very small all-volunteer organization, it probably has a staff. It may need a building and will have overhead expenses. That is to be expected. However, if the organization spends over 10% on fund-raising and more than 25% on overhead, that could be suspicious Many non-profits post their annual financial reports on their website, and most will provide them upon request. The organizations below specialize in helping potential donors learn about which are the better non-profits they might support. Even if a non-profit is not listed with them, it still may be good — especially if you have first-hand knowledge about it. If you are in the U.S. and itemize your federal income taxes, find out if the non-profit has a 501(c)(3) status. Sometimes employers will match contributions. The following informational organizations are based in the U.S. Some other countries have similar ones.