A Brief Introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
People are likely to think of the United Nations as being a forum whereby nearly all of the nations in the world can come together towards common goals — especially peacemaking. Certainly peacemaking is extremely important. As you face the main building in New York City, you will see these words from Isaiah 2:4 carved in stone: “They will beat their swords into plowshares. And their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not rise up against nation. Nor will they learn war any more.” However, the U.N. has many divisions that are doing good things all over the planet beyond what a traditional view of peacemaking might entail.
In the late 1990’s, the U.N. had special events to bring together all of its member states to establish what were called the Millennium Development Goals. These covered a wide variety of topics dealing with major needs throughout the developing world. From 2000 until 2015, many of them were met successfully, some were partially met, and others were not. Thus the next chapter was written.
Between 2012 and 2015, the U.N. had a series of conferences and sub-meetings that resulted in 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the time frame of 2016-2030. They focus on: (1) no more poverty; (2) zero hunger (3) good health and well-being; (4) quality education; (5) gender equality; (6) clean water and sanitation; (7) affordable and clean energy; (8) decent work and economic growth; (9) industry, innovation, and infrastructure; (10) reduced inequalities; (11) sustainable cities and communities; (12 (responsible production and consumption (13) climate action; (14) life below water; (15) life on land; (16) peace and justice; (17) partnership for the goals. For more details, see www.globalgoals.org