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About this category

Over one billion people do not have access to basic healthcare, mostly because of extreme poverty and lack of resources. This category primarily seeks to help folks in more fortunate places find information about where and how they can serve. Often this involves medical mission trips. Although much of this material is geared to medical professionals, there is a lot that non-medical folks can do whether or not they go on one (and that certainly includes financial help). Another example is that someone with foreign language skills might go as an interpreter. Others can share luggage allotments and provide on-site services. Even if you cannot personally go, you can learn and sometimes provide financial support. Often giving funds to reputable organizations may be your best form of service. You will find a wide range of organizations in this website category which serve as a general clearinghouse for medical outreach and medical mission trips.

If you are going on a trip, consider reading some of the material on the “Useful Background Books and Other Publications” section of this website. One interesting observation is by Greg Seager (perhaps a bit contrary to your views): When Healthcare Hurts: An Evidence-Based Guide to Best Practices in Global Health.

Note again that not all of the organizations in this “Get Involved” category have medical mission trips but still provide significant services in improving the level of healthcare where it is most needed.

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