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Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation

By Jason Mandryk
Publisher: Biblica

This unique 978 page publication could be called a prayer diary and a world almanac for evangelical Christians. “When we pray, God works” is its theme. Every country is carefully described in a way that emphasizes major challenges which Christian believers in the many places must face. Rich in statistical information, it also gives specific things to pray for on a daily basis that relates to worldwide places and concepts. Page 950 has this sentence: “The total number of unevangelized people actually increases every year!”

Operation World has a tremendous internet base with several hundred websites about places all over the planet, mission groups, short-term trips, and other resources to more effectively relate to mission goals. In late 2010, it came out in a completely revised and updated 7th edition (paperback); also available on CD ROM.

To learn more or order, contact any of these:
You can also call 540-234-6222 or
800-MISSION (both on Eastern time)

It is now free on the internet from

Table of Contents