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ReSurge International

145 N. Wolfe Rd.

Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Telephone: 408-737-8743 

Fax: 408-737-8000 


Since 1969, ReSurge International (formerly Interplast) has provided reconstructive surgery for children and adults in the developing world who otherwise would not have had that opportunity. Currently they are working in 15 developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with permanent Surgical Outreach Programs in 12 of them. They also have a program whereby certain professional medical volunteers from the United States and other fortunate countries can go to developing countries to teach their medical skills to their overseas counterparts. Likewise, people with extensive medical teaching experience can apply to participate in the ReSurge International visiting educational program. The organization provides very generous support towards travel expenses. See their website for more details.

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