IMA World Health (Headquarters)
1730 M Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 877-241-7952
Fax: 202-470-3370
They were established in 1960 by several Christian groups to collect and distribute medical goods for overseas use. They have sent over one billion dollars worth of medicines and medical supplies to 29 developing countries worldwide. IMA does this through two main programs. (1) General Inventory — this means that one may get whatever necessary medicines and supplies they have available in stock for a nominal handling fee. (2) Their IMA Medicine Box is pre-packed with 17 of the most essential medicines and supplies for subsistence health care. Its cost is much less than the wholesale value. They have gone to over 52 countries. Applicants should give IMA at least four weeks notice. IMA chose its new name in 2007 because they have expanded their outreach to include technical assistance and other projects to help with several of the most significant diseases in developing countries. They are a PQMD member.