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Medical Ambassadors International (MAI)

P.O. Box 1302

Salida, CA 95368

Telephone: 888-403-0600 

Fax: 209-543-7550 


This Christian organization (begun in 1980) uses a multi-faceted approach called Community Health Evangelism, or CHE (pronounced shay). CHE trains nationals in developing countries to help their neighbors by helping them identify their own assets and basic needs, and develop strategies to meet them. Often these include agriculture, health and nutrition, clean water/sanitation, and environmental issues. Teaching of spirtual truths always accompanies the training. MAI is directly working or assisting in over 100 countries and has taught CHE concepts to more than 400 other Christian organizations. It is a member of the Global CHE Network. has training schedules, locations, and more information.

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