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Mobility Worldwide

503 E. Nifong Boulevard


Columbia, MO 65201

Telephone: 903-881-5663 


This Christian organization seeks to provide appropriate mobility for children and adults throughout the most impoverished areas, especially with wood and steel hand-cranked wheelchairs. They began under the name of PET (Personal Energy Transport) but changed it to Mobility Worldwide in 2016. They have four main kinds of products designed for specific situations (described on their website). They have distributed almost 100,000 Mobility carts in kit form to over 106 countries since 1984. They can be adapted to various situations. Volunteers in 26 U.S. locations (identified on their website) prepare the kits. The products are also now being produced in Sierra Leone and Zambia. Their website has very interesting pictures and a video that shows what life is like for someone who can only crawl around. Mobility Worldwide is a TECH member.

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