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Rotary International

1 Rotary Center

1560 Sherman Avenue

Evanston, IL 60201

Telephone: 847-866-3000 

Fax: 847-328-8554 


Rotary is a global humanitarian service organization with more than 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Rotary members are men and women who are business, professional, and community leaders with a shared commitment to make the world a better place through humanitarian service.

Rotary’s top priority is polio eradication, and it has raised funds and provided volunteers to immunize over two billion children against this disease. Other major campaigns focus on peace, hunger, literacy, and clean water/sanitation. Some examples include: education at all levels (including student exchanges and World Peace Fellowships) and travel grants through which professionals in many fields can have in-depth experiences in other countries. See the first section of this website for information about Rotary and clean water/sanitation.

Rotary maintains a very large on-line database listing of ongoing projects and their needs for volunteer service and resources. See to access “ProjectLINK.”

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