How Can We Help?
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1777 N. Kent Street

Suite 1100

Arlington, VA 22209

Telephone: 202-785-4515 

Fax: 202-785-4544 


They emphasize “business solutions to poverty” while working with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses, and industries. Founded in 1968, the word “TechnoServe” is short for “technology in the service of mankind.” They currently work in 29 countries across Africa, Latin America, and Asia and have helped other countries in the past. This help can take on many forms — crafts businesses in India and Haiti, a sustainable global coffee industry in more countries, improved milk production and marketing in Kenya, and numerous others. TechnoServe reports that their work made a difference in the lives of 2.2 million people in 30 countries in 2013. Their next goal was to double their impact by 2017. See their website for many pictures and more details.

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