How Can We Help?
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Ten Thousand Villages

704 Main Street

P.O. Box 307

Akron, PA 17501

Telephone: 717-859-8100 

Fax: 717-859-2622 


Many impoverished people in developing countries are talented in making crafts but don’t have enough outlets for them. Many Americans and Canadians might be interested in their goods if they had a way to get them. Ten Thousand Villages is the largest and oldest organization that has been making that linkage since 1946. They have over 300 global mission stores across the two countries that sell overseas hand-made and fair-traded crafts from 33 countries where they serve — plus illustrated material on their website allowing you to order online. They also help churches to put on special events to market these products. This provides income for impoverished people and helps Americans and Canadians get a better sense of overseas situations. See their website for more information.

Their Canadian website is

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