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Frontier Ventures

P.O. Box 41450

Pasadena, CA 91114

Telephone: 626-797-1200 


This Christian organization (which began in 1969 as U.S. Center for World Mission) is a nucleus for many forms of overseas mission research and involvement. They have one of the most outstanding programs for mission education through several venues and levels. Their main focus is on the over 7,000 unreached people groups (those who have little or no access to the Gospel). Frontier Ventures is a family of 12 ministries: (1) Mission Frontiers; (2) Joshua Project; (3) Global Prayer Digest; (4) Prime; (5) Perspectives on the World Christian Movement; (6) Insight; (7) William Carey Library; (8) Perspectives Global; (9) WCIU (William Carey International University); (10) Judson; (11) IJFM (International Journal of Frontier Missiology); and (12) RWI (Roberta Winter Institute). Each of these is described in detail on the Frontier Ventures website.

Two items should be given special emphasis for people unable to visit their Pasadena headquarters and campus: First, their series of mission classes called “Perspectives.” It has been taken by over 200,000 people in many locations throughout the U.S. and Canada for 12 to 15 weeks. Over 20,000 have taken the classes around the world. An internet version is available for distance learning. Second, their bi-monthly Mission Frontiers Magazine. It is available in print and online.

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